Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Natalie Zemon Davis (1928-2023) RIP

The New York Times notes the death of Natalie Zemon Davis, the wonderful historian of early modern France and much else, a longtime resident of Toronto and a professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. She was ninety-four.

I admire her work greatly and met her once, to interview her at length and in person for an "Ideas" radio documentary. 

What I really remember from the interview was the amount she (we, really) laughed during the conversation, despite it being on the whole rather a serious discussion of The Return of Martin Guerre, social history, and ways to practice history. I have rarely met any historian who enjoyed her work so much and conveyed that enjoyment so well.  

Here's a reminiscence of her by one former student, Michael Ignatieff.

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