Friday, October 27, 2023

Heaman on Quebec tuition

I imagine a lot of my friends in academia or in Quebec, or both, are caught up in the Legault government's plan to discourage students from outside Quebec from attending the province's anglophone universities. 

If you are taking an interest, take a lot at Elspeth Heaman's very historical exploration of that matter at the website Borealia. There is a reason why the piece is headed by this 1840 election poster for Louis-Hyppolite LaFontaine.

Fernand Ouellet used to say that the really profound confrontation in Quebec is not between anglophones and francophones, but between Montreal and the rest of the province. And that in the long run, Montreal usually prevails. Legault's CAQ is definitely thinking the way it imagines the rest of the province does.  It is good to see so much of Montreal is on the other side on this issue -- though not yet prevailing.

Also at Borealia recently, two long collections of reminiscences and appreciations of the recently deceased University of New Brunswick scholar Elizabeth Mancke, who seems to have been what a professor and teacher should be.  

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