Wednesday, February 22, 2023

History of the British Columbia Review

The British Columbia Review, an online project that reviews pretty much everything published in or about British Columbia, began some years ago as the Ormsby Review (in honour of the late historian of British Columbia Margaret Ormsby), and recently changed to the more generic descriptive name it now uses.

I look at it constantly and, while it covers an awful lot of stuff, it consistently turns up items of interest I would not otherwise have known of, particularly in west coast history. I wish every province or region of the country had something similar.

Anyway, the BC Review needs support and it is running a donation drive. Last year it paid $24,000 in reviewers' honoraria. Given the small size of the typical honorarium in Canadian publishing, that shows just how many books it covers in a year.  Take a look and help them out if you can. 

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