Friday, April 03, 2020

This month at Canada's History

The April-May issue of Canada's History marks the 350th anniversary of the Hudson's Bay Company (May 2, 2020) with a range of articles and features  -- including a look at how previous HBC anniversaries have been observed. 

In 1970, for the 300th, the company built a replica of its 1670 trading vessel Nonsuch, now permanently drydocked in a spectacular exhibit at the Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature in Winnipeg.

In 1920, for the 250th, the company founded The Beaver, which means Canada's History has its own centenary to mark later this year. It also sponsored a full-length feature film "Romance of the Far Fur Country."  (!)

CH's coverage of the 350th anniversary should be the most diverse, with more coverage than there used to be of women, indigenous peoples, and Company setbacks.  
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