Peter Vronsky, the author of Ridgeway: the American Fenian Invasion and the 1866 Battle that Made Canada, has redone the calculations and now offers a tally of not nine but thirty-one fatal casualties of the June 2, 1866 battle near Fort Erie, Ontario, between Canadian volunteers and American-Irish Fenians. The larger number comes from adding deaths from disease and wounds consequent on the battle.
Vronsky says
The next step is to now see to it that the 31 Canadians who fell in defending Canada against a hostile invasion, are recognized for their service by enrolling their names into the National Books of Remembrance, identifying their current resting places, and securing their graves National War Grave status in perpetuity.
Part of the argument of Vronsky's book is that the Ridgeway soldiers were the first killed in action serving Canada under Canadian command -- "the baptism of the Canadian army."
Image: a contemporary representation but not an accurate one, from the Ridgeway battle website,