Thursday, January 02, 2025

History of Celsius

Happy New Year.

It has been fifty years since Canada began the transition to the metric system, with the adoption of Celsius for temperature leading the way. 

The story in that link above refers to the Tory MP goofuses who opened their own "freedom to measure" gas station when gas prices went metric, soon after the change in the weather reporting.  Was "everyone can have their own measuring system" the beginning of the right-wing movement that led to vaccines being optional and Daylight Savings proposed to become a matter of personal choice.

Probably not.  When Britain caught up to the Gregorian calendar reforms in the early 18th century 1752, there were rioters out demanding "give us back our eleven days!"

When gas prices went metric in 1975, the price of a gallon of gas was just reaching $1.00.  Many gas stations signs only had room for three digits for the cents per gallon (.ie, 99.9).  Some had to put up a big cardboard "$1" at the left of their sign, so it would read, for example, $1.025.  The switch to metric at about 0.22 cents a litre solved that problem.  

22 cents is worth about $1.30 today, apparently, so gas prices have not gone up nearly as much as they should have, given the carbon price that ought to have been factored in.

It's all another reason why the US would be better off as the eleventh province rather than us being "the 51st state."  Not only health care, rights for women, and gun laws, but fewer obsolete measuring systems as well.  (But do you know your metric height and weight?)

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