Monday, July 22, 2024

Wrapping the Tour

This being pro cycling, Tadej Pogacar's solid victory in the Tour de France, consolidated with his dominance of the final day's time trial, can't help but raise the question: is he on something?

Well, I don't know. It is probably not simple drugs if he is.  There are references around to carbon monoxide training (which sounds kinda fatal) and ketone training, and.  Also suggestions that the winningest teams are those that have the most money to invest in R&D and new equipment and the strongest riders.  But I must say there seemed something inhuman about the way this nice young man could simply spring up enormous mountains and seem fresh and relaxed minutes after finishing.

Other notable thing:  Canadian newbie Derek Gee emerges as a serious contender in his first Tour de France -- riding with the leaders throughout the race, putting in a very strong time in the time trial yesterday, and ending with a top ten finish.  

His team, Israel Premier Tech, with a strong Canadian contingent of riders and much Canadian leadership, will have to think about building a team around him if he is to become a serious contender.  But he has the talent for sure.

Major Canadian papers, of course, called an AP story from the States in their sports pages, and didn't note Gee's role at all.

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