Thursday, June 20, 2024

Book Notes and Book Honours

Alan MacEachern of Western University (and Prince Edward Island!) had a double of sorts recently: publication of his book Becoming Green Gables and launching of Green Gables Diaries, which is a website rather than a book, but contains the material on which the book draws.  And Western posted a nice news release explaining what both are all about.

We are having an Island holiday of our own later this summer.  I should start reading the diaries as prep.

The Canadian Historical Association is just wrapping up its annual meeting -- in Montreal this year. TwitteX has been covering various upsets and reorganizations caused by demonstrations and occupations around the McGill campus where it was intended to meet.  

The CHA Prizes (and there are a lot of them) were to be presented on June 18, but the CHA website has not yet posted the winners. I did see (Twittex again) that Thomas Peace won one of the Clio Awards (for regional history) for The Slow Rush of Colonization. That book, briefly noted here previously, also recently won the Wilson Prize from the Wilson Institute at McMaster  -- tho' I'm having a hard time finding the deets on the Institute website.

Are we having a bit of a summer hiatus here? It has been a bit slow laterly, but the publication schedule for this blog has always been "when I feel like it." And that continues.

Picture credit:  Western University news.

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