Sunday, April 28, 2024

Arrivederci à Roma


Me and my fellow traveller at Piazza Navona in Rome

Air Canada takes us back to Toronto this afternoon, so this wraps up these sketchy travel notes, which have amused me and I hope you too. 

The extent of the Roman ruins in the city of Rome are truly amazing but they rather overwhelmed me, even with a very hardworking guide one day. The city of Rome, however, is a delight to stroll around in. 

Even in April the number of visitors in Rome -- and also in Naples and Venice -- is overwhelming. I don't know how the locals stand us all the time, but even the waiters and the street vendors are friendly, in my experience.

And, Toronto civic leaders take note, yesterday one of Rome's major boulevards was closed to vehicles from Piazza Venezia to beyond the Colosseo, for walkers and later a concert. Visitors and locals alike made abundant use.

Back to history blogging soon.

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