Thursday, January 18, 2024


My annual review of the Cundill History prize finalists appeared on the Literary Review of Canada website late in December, and can still be found there. (Though if it is paywalled, you may have to wait another month or so.)

Right now the print copies -  it's the January-February issue -- are going out to subscribers and magazine racks. But I've just been warned by the staff that some glitch at the printers has meant the print edition has the first page and the third page of my review complete, but with the second page somehow replaced by other copy from a previous issue.  

The Review promises to provide a proper text of the review next month.  Meanwhile, the full review remains available and complete on the website -- to which I recommend you.

Considering the subject of errors, I might just add that the January issue has an abundance of historically related review and copious ads for new historical works -- just to undermine the odd and erroneous notion that Canadian history is dead, or still dead, or dead again, or whatever it is they keep saying.

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