Tuesday, September 26, 2023

This month at Canada's History


In recent years, Canada's History has been providing an impressive amount of indigenous-created content -- as well it should, but still notable.

This month, essays on the kayak by Noah Nochasak and on the Numbered Treaties of the West (and northern Ontario) by Wabi Benais Misratim Equay (Cynthia Bird).  Plus fur-trading women of New France by Sienna Vittoria Lefebvre, World War I photographs by Carla-Jean Stokes, and Nobellest Ernest Rutherford of McGill University by John Hardy.  

Charlotte Gray reviews Hugh Brody. Victor Ravinovitch on the Winnipeg General Strike, and many more reviews of the new books.

Subscribe .  No, nothing from me this month.  Mais j'arrive, j'arrive.    

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