Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Book notes: Charlotte Gray on moms of famous sons

Down last night to Toronto's Massey College to help launch Charlotte Gray's latest book. Amidst all the discussion recently about how hard it has become to support the writing and publishing of big readable researched nonfiction in and about Canada, Charlotte's one step ahead of the trend.  She's gone for more supportive marketplaces

Her new book Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons is a biography of the mothers of Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt and their relationships with their political sons.  ("These women had their stories, and Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt are only part of it.") 

Canadian novelists have been more successful than Canadian historians at finding international readers and sales. But Charlotte Gray may break through. Simon & Shuster is publishing her simultaneously in Toronto, London, and New York. Given the combination of Charlotte's talents and the limitless interest in Churchill and in American presidents generally, it might just find the global market it is designed for.  

Is this a solution to the Canadian book problem?... or the proof of it?  In either case, I'm looking forward to reading it.

Anyway I've been to two book launches this week, which means it's officially book season.  I should start to pay some attention here to new books of interest in Canadian history

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