Tuesday, July 11, 2023

History of the historical novel

 In a recent New Yorker essay, British novelist Zadie Smith proposes that all English novels become historical novels, and all English historical novels are trapped under the shadow of Dickens. Well, maybe, but she also bemoans how much work a historical novel is:

Generally speaking, I don’t make notes. I sit down. I write a novel. But already this non-novel that I was refusing to write had generated a drawer full of notes and a shelf of books. I said to myself: my studying days are over. I said to myself: if you let this happen it will play to your worst, your most long-winded, your most Dickensian instincts.

Zadie, just make it up, I'd say. It's a novel, you are allowed to. That's what a novel is.  All it has to do is feel true, and you are home free.

Okay, maybe that's the hard part. 

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