Monday, July 03, 2023

Historians and Writers at the Order of Canada

Compared to the squalid abuse of the "King's/Queen's Counsel" honour I noted here, I think the Order of Canada has honoured the truly honorable among Canadians -- and without the outdated monarchical associations, though regrettably the monarch remains technically the source of the Order. So I'm happy to note some historians and writers recently appointed to the Order of Canada.

Among historians I note: 

  • Sarah Carter of the University of Alberta, a giant of women's history and of indigenous/settler history, particularly in western Canada  (Lost Harvests: Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and much else), 
  • and Robert Sharpe, a renowned judge who has also been a prolific legal historian (The Persons Case, The Last Battle and many other works, and also a leader of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, to say nothing of his judisprudential achievements. 

Among writers and "book people":  indigenous novelist Jeannette Armstrong, kid's writer and poet Sheree Fitch, humorist and essayist Charles Gordon, novelist Susan Swan, and (a clever one) Holly and Paul McNally, indy booksellers and supporters of Canadian writing and publishing. 

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