Monday, April 24, 2023

Follow this Blog

 Apparently following this blog is still complicated. People tell me that even if they have set themselves up as followers using the gadget at right (where you click "Follow" to follow), they don't get the notifications. I thought it was pretty simple, but maybe it is not..

Now one thwarted follower tells me it may be Google to blame.  Google, he says, requires a gmail account from would-be followers when they enroll. He has a gmail account, but he never uses it, so he never sees the notifications.  

If you tried to follow but don't get notices (but you come and look here from time to time anyway), could that be the reason?

Not that I have a solution. This is all above my paygrade. For years I never knew this blog had followers. But if you understand this, please let me know.

Follow @CmedMoore