Which party leader, prime minister, or premier is one day going to address the question of the monarchy?
Mightn't the Royals drift into total benign neglect in Canada? The roles maintained, but the people in them all but forgotten.
Who pays attention to the Governor General or any of the Lieutenants Governor? The British contingent sub-topical. Rarely reanimated fossils. Even their scandals.
In the photo, Charles reminds me of so many portraits I see on the Georgian Lords twitter site (@GeorgianLords). Two-tone face, hat-protected above and burnt red below.
Russ, you appal me. Surely the royals have already drifted into "total benign neglect in Canada." But a real head of state would be a good thing for Canada. It's the second-rate status imposed by the increasingly ghostly royals that prevents us from taking the governors-general seriously.
(But you are not alone. During the Payette scandal, support for abolishing the monarchy soared, but most of them wanted to do away with the governor-general as well.)
The appropriate means of selecting a Canadian head of state remains uncertain. I like the idea of nominations from any province or territory plus the Assembly of First Nations (or equivalent body), with the final selection made by a council of First Nations elders, followed by a Canadian inauguration ceremony.