Monday, March 28, 2022

No historians of Quebec in Quebec?

Mario Dumont, who used to be a populist force in Quebec politics and actually named a political party -- the Equipe Mario Dumont -- for himself, now writes for the nationalist tabloid Le Journal de Québec. He has a scandal to trumpet. If you believe him, there is no longer anyone teaching Quebec history at the Université de Montréal.

Depuis quelques années, des gens du monde des sciences sociales se questionnent sur le fait que l’Université de Montréal n’ait plus de professeur spécialiste de l’histoire du Québec. Rien sur le parcours d’un peuple parlant français contre vents et marées, des plaines d’Abraham jusqu’au rapport Durham, de la Confédération jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
La plus grande université francophone en Amérique embauche des experts de l’histoire qui étudient tous les thèmes populaires dans le mouvement woke, des spécialistes de l’histoire de tous les coins de la planète, mais aucun historien nationaliste passionné de l’histoire du Québec.

I'm pretty sure there are quite a few historians of Quebec there -- I can think of a few offhand. Even if we follow Mario Dumont's terms, by which "historian of Quebec" seems to equal "nationalist-crusader," there's probably more than one. 

Dumont is probably misled by, or misinterpreting, a cross-cultural trend among academic historians (noted in two long-ago posts of mine, here and here) to drop national labels  (e.g., "Canadianist,") in favour of "social historian," "historian of women," "labour historian," and so on.  The Quebec historians presumably prefer one of those labels.  And if that's what they believe, Dumont is happy to pretend they don't exist.    

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