Thursday, May 13, 2021

This month at Canada's History

Lots of expertise in this month's Canada's History, lively and readable too. Medical historian Christopher J. Ruddy considers historical clues for a post-pandemic Canada. Art historian and connaisseur of forged Krieghoffs Jon Dellandrea reports on his adventures with Canadian art forgeries and Canadian art forgers, and there's lots of real art and artfake side-by-side to test your eye on. The great editorial cartoonist "Aislin" (Terry Mosher) looks at his great predecessor Duncan Macpherson -- with copious illustrations.  

Lots of reviews. notably Victor Rabinovitch on Mary Janigan's Art of Sharing, a history of equalization payments, Grace Morgan's Beaver Bison Horse, and Bill Waiser's In Search of Almighty Voice. Plus travel notes, miscellanies and more. I pine a little at an issue with nothing in it from me. But Moore's to come.

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