Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What does it take to be considered a Canadian hero?

Well, a penis for one thing.  Canadian Heritage ministry took a poll recently, and found all our heroes are men.

Merna Forster's pretty bummed.
After Canadians didn't select even a single female in the list of top ten contenders for The Greatest Canadian, many media outlets (including CBC Radio) interviewed Forster to talk about some of the Canadian heroines who could have been considered. She shared suggestions from 100 Canadian Heroines, and has since published a second volume about female notables: 100 More Canadian Heroines.
When you compare the two lists, it looks like a somewhat shuffled deck of primarily white men," notes Forster. "Are these really the most inspirational Canadians in our history? Perhaps not enough people are aware of the many amazing Canadian women who've contributed to this country, and continue to do so every day. Surely there is a better way to decide who and what we celebrate in 2017, and on the symbols that surround us every day,"said Forster. 
I'm equally struck by the fact that this is how the Canadian government is trying to plan how to mark the 150th anniversary of the nation.  When The Dominion Institute did fun polls, it was a giggle. When CBC-TV had a contest, at least we got some historical imagery on television.  Now the government of Canada tries to understand cultural policy by sending out a gang of pollsters -- people who can't even tell how tomorrow's election is going to work out.

Sheesh.  Serve 'em right that the people told 'em the great Canadian achievements are medicare, peacekeeping and the Charter of Rights.

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