Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Clifford Chadderton 1919-2013 RIP

Cliff Chadderton, Second World War veteran, amputee, and longtime head of the War Amps program has died.  To historians, Chadderton is probably best known for organizing campaigns to oblige the media and museums to make their treatments of Canadian military history conform to the veterans' version:
He was Chairman of the National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada, an umbrella organization for a variety of veterans' groups. Chadderton played a leading role in the campaign against the controversial NFB documentary, The Kid Who Couldn't Miss and in pressuring the Canadian War Museum to rewrite its Bomber Command exhibit.[1] In 1992, he led the fight to put pressure on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) from re-broadcasting a controversial documentary series it commissioned called the The Valor and the Horror
In pursuing several of these fatwas against public institutions, it should be recalled, he had the enthusiastic support of many military historians, who should have known better.
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