UBC Press has a long list of Canhist titles this fall. A selection from the fall catalogues:
- Whitney Lackenbauer on The Canadian Rangers, those red-beret guys in the Arctic, and Peter Kasurak, A National Force on the Canadian Army post 1950.
- Teresa Iacobelli, Death and Deliverance on Canadian courts martial during the First World War, and Graham Broad, A Small Price to Pay on Canadian home front consumption patterns during the Second World War ("Between 1939 and 1945, jewelry, clothing, and drug store sales doubled, restaurant business tripled, and Canadians bought over a billion tickets to the movies.")
- Kathryn Magee Labelle, Dispersed but Not Destroyed, on the Wendat nation after the destruction of Huronia c1649, and Cara Krmpotich and Laura Peers et al, This is Our Life on the repossession of Haida material culture from British museums to Haida Gwaii.
- Patricia Roy, Boundless Optimism, a biography of transformational British Columbia premier Richard McBride.
- James Pitsula, Keeping Canada British, not another book on the maple crown, but a study of the Ku Klux Klan in Saskatchewan in the 1920s.
- Ruth Compton Brouwer, Canada's Global Villagers, a study of Canadian University Service Overseas, CUSO, the starting point for secular Canadian NGOs in international development in the era of deconialization.
- Sean Kheraj, Inventing Stanley Park: An Environmental History.
- Catherine Carstairs and Nancy Janovicik, eds., Feminist History in Canada: New Essays.
- Mark Jamieson, The Battle For the Fourteenth Colony, on the American invasion of Canada 1775