- Gene Allen's Making National News: A History of Canadian Press
- Robert Mennel, Testimonies and Secrets: The History of a Nova Scotia Family 1841-1977, a micro history built on the diaries of a smalltown Nova Scotian family, from a spiritual millwright to a closeted gay teacher.
- The Pasts Collective, a team of well-known historians and educators (Conrad, Friesen, Muise, Seixas, etc.) offers Canadians and their Pasts, an analysis of Canadians' sense of history based "on the findings of interviews with 3,419 Canadians from a variety of cultural and linguistic communities."
- Wendy Mitchinson's Body Failure: Medical Views of Women 1900-1950
- Gerald Tulchinsky's Joe Salsburg, A Life of Commitment a biography of the Ontario Jewish leftist activist.
and others....