The McGill-Queen's University Press catalogue promises some histories from some well known and not so well known authors for the fall.
- veteran Upper Canadianist J. Keith Johnson brings out In Duty Bound: Men Women and the State in Upper Canada 1792-1841 : Upper Canada's "forgotten people" through their petitions to the government
- diplomatic historian Norman Hillmer has O.D. Skelton: The Work of the World 1923-41 a copublication with the Champlain Society
- John L. Riley has The Once and Future Great Lakes Country: an Ecological History, which Ramsay Cook describes in a preface as "the book I once thought I might write."
- Ian K. Steele's Setting all the Captives Free: Capture, Adjustment and Recollection in Allegheny County reexamines the eighteenth century French-English wars from the perspective of its captives.
- Colleen Franklin edits a seventeenth century memoir, The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James -- he being the namesake of James Bay.