Sam Wood, recently returned to Montreal after years in Europe, is launching a Montreal Métro History of Canada blog, post by post exploring Quebec and Canadian history by the names of the stations on the Métro. Sounds like fun.
Montreal has the nice tradition (familiar in Paris too) of naming some subway stations after distinguished Montrealers: Henri-Bourassa, Jean-Drapeau, Georges-Vanier, the poet Octave Crémazie, and -- historians gotta love it -- Lionel-Groulx. (What chance Toronto would name subway stations Donald Creighton or Margaret Atwood?)
But the Montreal system also has a nice melange of historic names back to Radisson, Cadillac, Frontenac, and Jean-Talon. No First-Nations names at all, Wood notes, not even Hochelaga. No doubt he will have fun with such Montrealers as Peel and Pie-IX.
Who or what was Angrignon, anyway? Sam, we will wait and see.
(Map in detail here.)