Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Vimy Foundation Presents: Vimy Real

Since last September I've had the pleasure of being involved with the Vimy Foundation in researching and consulting for a online interactive experience on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Just recently we released the final project to the world! 

The experience, Vimy Real is a bi-lingual,"...interactive, multimedia game that you can play in class or at home. Explore the Battle of Vimy Ridge through four different lenses – People, Tactics, Technology, and Legacy. See how this helped Canada earn its place on the world stage. By the end of the game, see if you can answer the question: “What makes Canada a nation?” Learn how the actions and accomplishments of the Canadian military played a major role in the allied successes during World War One."

The project serves two purposes, the first, as a project of the Vimy Foundation it seeks to, "preserve and promote Canada’s First World War legacy as symbolized with the victory at Vimy Ridge in April 1917, a milestone where Canada came of age and was then recognized on the world stage." Secondly, we worked closely with teachers to develop the game and a subsequent Teacher's guide. With the recognition that most elementary and high school teachers have precious little time to teach students Canadian history- let alone the place of Vimy Ridge in it - we sought to create an experience that would both interest students and be a ready-made resource for teachers to present an accurate and engaging lesson on the battle, Canada & Canadians during the first world war and the war/battle's place in Canadian history.

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