If it concerns you, you probably already know this. But the Canadian Historical Association annual meeting and conference starts Sunday in Waterloo. Program here.
I'm not attending, but if anyone is into live-blogging events and developments at the conference, I'd be delighted to give them a forum on this blog, since it does not look like the CHA website is set up to do so. Send notes or contact me here.
As ever, the CHA program is a good guide to what's fashionable in historical scholarship. It certainly looks like the construction of modernity, memory studies, gender history, and race history remain hot. But there is a fair amount of traditional material too: New France, political history, diplomatic history... no, not extinct.
Some interesting sessions, judging by the program (and my own interests, no doubt). A stellar panel on Treaty 9. An extensive series of sessions on Historians and Archives. A demonstration of a confederation role-playing simulation. A session on applying Geographical Information Systems to historical research. A look at how the centennial of the War of 1812 was observed in 1912. Active History's mini-conference on "Whose War was 1812, Anyway?" And, no doubt, Cliopalooza, the president's reception at Wilf's pub on the Wilfrid Laurier campus