Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Old wine, new bottles

Thanks to the fine folks at Concordia University's Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (with a little help from SSHRCC) we have a brand new website to play with, The Oral Historians Digital Toolbox , basically a clearing house for really cool stuff.

Says the announcement:

The digital revolution is transforming our practice as oral historians, placing new emphasis on the research process “after the interview,” and this resource provides access to the various tools that are enabling us to re-envision our work. Our research findings have also been outlined in a major report, entitled “Telling Our Stories / Animating Our Past: A Status Report on Oral History and New Media.” Available under the “Status Report” tab of our website, this document, authored in both sound and text, considers the placeof new media in oral and public history
This is a project in process--new links are invited. But what they already have is pretty awesome, such as voice to text and video and audio editing. Nor is it just for oral historians: online content management and webdelivery, GPS/GIS and mapping, tools for qualitative analysis, and word clouds are useable across the board. For example, for Jordan Kerr's historical gaze, History Pin (under the Heading "Augmented Reality") a programme that matches old photos with Google Maps and Google Street View, would be just the ticket.
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