Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The October Crisis +40

I thought about liveblogging the Quebec crisis of 1970+40. Just too demanding right now, but it would be a hell of a series, and I offer the idea to anyone willing to take a shot at it. (Better get going.)

Meanwhile here's news of a new book on the subject: Trudeau's Darkest Hour, edited by Guy Bouthillier and Edouard Cloutier. Much of what has been published on that crisis seems designed to sell the idea that the murderers of Pierre Laporte and their supporters were just misunderstood kids and the real villain was always the federal government. This one is somewhat in that vein, apparently, but it's interesting that its sovereigntist authors mostly offer English-Canadian critiques of federal government's failures in civil liberties.

And here's a review by Paul Wells of Maclean's.
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