Wednesday, July 21, 2010

If you patriate a second time, does that become repatriation?

You thought we "patriated" the constitution in 1982?

Former National Archivist Ian Wilson and some allies now want to bring from Britain to Canada one of the actual British North America Act documents of 1867 for permanent display here. Currently, it is alleged, it lies in a "musty storeroom" at the British public record office. (One rather doubts the musty part, but journalists are not allowed to write about archives without including either "musty" or "dusty" at least once.)

There is a sort of precedent. In 1988, as part of bicentennial commemorations, Australia borrowed a copy of its analogous constitutional document from Britain through a formal loan agreement -- and then refused to return it. Vancouver Sun has the details (h/t HNN) on the Canadian campaign

You might think if Canada took the British North America Act, 1867, so seriously, we would not have officially renamed it the Constitution Act, 1867... but that's another story.

Apparently there's a website:
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