Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Live-blogging the siege of Quebec+250 #40

Saturday, August 11, 1759. General Wolfe is slowly reinforcing the troops commanded by Murray in the British naval vessels above the city, ready to launch raids (or more) upriver from Quebec. Today the wind is fair and he plans to send more ships and 200 men past the guns of the city. Captain Knox reports:
This night at nine o'clock, the Leostaff, Hunter, and some transports, worked upwards, and attempted to pass the town; but, the tide of flood being almost at the height, and the wind failing them, they were obliged to put back. While they were within reach, the enemy bombarded and cannonaded them vigorously, which was most spiritedly returned by our batteries.
Knox also reports news and rumours from the enemy camp:
Some wretched Canadian families are brought in today by our rangers. General Wolfe having lately dispersed some placarts throughout the country, wherein he limited the inhabitants to disperse by a certain day, and observe a neutrality; some of their Chiefs went lately to Monsieur Vaudreuil and to Monsieur Montcalm to inquire what part to take when the appointed time should expire? — to which they got for answer, "This is a piece of policy by the British General; continue to defend your country, as ye have hitherto nobly done; for we have certain intelligence that their fleet is only victualled at full allowance to the latter end of this month.'
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