Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Siberia? Hostie, non!

I knew, vaguely, that Canadian troops participated in an attempt to put an end to the new Russian revolutionary government in 1918. But a mutiny in Victoria, B.C., a month after the First World War ended? By conscripts from Quebec who did not want to go? That was a new one on me -- courtesy of the Canadian historians' listserve H-Canada.

Historian Benjamin Isitt is trying to track down descendants of the Quebeckers who mutinied in Victoria in December 1918 while being deployed to Vladivostok to serve in the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force. If you happened to be related to, say, Rifleman Onil Boisvert of the 259th Rifle Battalion (Canadian Rifles), born Drummond County in July 1896, a farmer, sentenced to two years hard labour, he'd like to hear from you. (He is: Benjamin.Isitt@gmail.com)

Those would be some stories....
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