Thursday, December 21, 2006

History in the Daily Papers

Jim Phillips, new editor of the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, has a good succinct article about the Osgoode Society and its work in legal history in the National Post. It is here if you can get through all the ads and re-directs that the bloody CanWest oligopoly imposes on us all.

And Val Ross at The Globe and Mail covers the Harper government's thoughts on supporting National Museums in cities other than Ottawa. I must say I am sympathetic. The network of museums and cultural institutions around Ottawa has helped make that city into a true national capital, but not every new museum has to be there.

Must say, however, I'm less keen on having corporate sponsorship be the trigger for new federal museums. EnCana's offer to subsidize a National Portrait Gallery in Calgary is rumoured to be the origin of the goverment's new policy initiative.

Ottawa ought to separate the outside-Ottawa policy from the buy-yourself-a-National-Museum offer. And dump the second one into the Ottawa River.
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