Monday, January 05, 2009

Local History Blogger cited as Mover, Shaker

On December 16, I sloped down to the Dominion Institute Christmas party several flights up (walk up, that is) in an old Toronto industrial building. I had a good time, met some old acquaintances, made some new ones, and was struck again by the range of friends and supporters the Institute has built. I schmoozed briefly with Globe & Mail reporter Deirdre Kelly, who was there with a photographer. Got my photie took and thought no more about it. No coverage in the paper in the following days.

Hey, there we all are in the society pages on January 3, lucky guests at the party that Kelly, the Globe's official partygoer, now declares "the surprise hit of the season." In Kelly's words,
These were serious movers and shakers, among them Howard Millard, former chief of staff for Liberal House leader Ralph Goodale; Christopher Moore, the Canadian history writer; and Jaime Watt, former communications director for Ontario premier Mike Harris.
Actually I met neither of those other MS-types. But it was a busy room, and they did not meet me either.