Wednesday, January 14, 2009

John A Macdonald's Birthday Party

I haven't got a photo of the cake yet, but the history students of Pitt Meadows Secondary School in British Columbia rocked their school on Monday with a party for John A. Macdonald's 194th birthday party. It turned into a national event. There was media coverage. (News story here) The Heritage Minister came. A prominent Canadian history blogger spoke.

I wouldn't have missed it. Thanks: to the Dominion Institute (their coverage here) who made my participation possible, but mostly to teacher Heather Brown, one terrific school, and the gang of students who made it happen.

There was a moment when we were google-mapping ourselves through the fog and the new construction in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, my lap encumbered with a large cake bearing the face of our first prime minister, when I wondered about the strange things the practice of history gets one into. But hey, the event was a triumph.