Monday, December 08, 2008

Ideas for the Hard-to-buy-for Historian #8

Neil Ross, comedian and historian, whose series "Nation of Irony-mongers" is in development at CBC Radio, suggests:
The West Toronto Junction Historical Society is one of the most active historical groups in the nation. This year we managed to convince the neighbourhood of Toronto Junction that one hundred years ago it became a city and that a centennial celebration was called for and we brought back fifteen historical characters from the Boom Years to walk the streets again. We are now in the process of informing the community that one hundred years ago in 1909 the Junction joined Toronto as an equal and that another celebration is required. We plan to keep celebrating centennials well into the 21st Century . . . You can join WTJHS for the laughably small fee of twenty dollars for a single membership or thirty dollars for a family and receive our award winning quarterly newsletter or buy our book The Leader and Recorder's History of the Junction for thirty dollars at the Annette Street Library.

Neil's suggestion has nation-wide application, I'd say. There is probably a local historical society, heritage org, or conservancy project not far from you that the historian on your list ought to be part of.