Wednesday, July 22, 2020

This month at Canada's History

Nice to see Ken McGoogan doing a substantial feature in Canada's History this month, on the state of knowledge on the Franklin expedition after the discovery of both Erebus and Terror.

One summer day in the not-too-distant future, off King William Island in the High Arctic, scuba divers from Parks Canada will swim into the cabin on HMS Terror that Captain Francis Crozier once occupied [...] until -- eureka -- they come upon an array of rusty metal cylinders or canisters.

Parks Canada's exploration team believes the documents in those canisters are "in the best possible conditions for their survival"  and McGoogan considers what a mass of primary sources will do to reorient understanding of the expedition's fate.  He has a few ideas.

Tim Cook contributes two articles. One considers the home front the Second World War, the other, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the end of the war, how it changed and shaped postwar Canada.  

And more, including a longlived parrot in Victoria, and a tribute to Shirlee Anne Smith, O.C., archivist, first Canadian Keeper of the Hudson's Bay Company Archives, and tireless advocate for Manitoba and Canadian history, including a stint as editor of The Beaver. I had missed the notice of her death in April 2020.  
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