Wednesday, December 12, 2018

History of Courts, history of Saskatchewan

After writing a history of the British Columbia Court of Appeal and then the Ontario Court of Appeal in quick succession a few years ago, I was starting to think of myself as the go-to guy for histories of judicial institutions. Nice work, too -- interesting questions to research, influence on further research, a dedicated (though very small) audience, publishing options, and solid funding support.

Turns out it's an active market. For its centenary history, the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan has turned to a (semi-) local source. Calgary historian David Mittelstadt, already the author of an Alberta judicial study, has produced The Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan: The First Hundred Years, recently published very handsomely by University of Regina Press.

It's good too.  I haven't got through its 600 pages yet, but it looks solid, comprehensive and readable.  For the handful of us who actually follow this subject, it's striking how each provincial court actually mirrors and reflects its province. There are definitely more Eastern European names in the Saskatchewan history than in either the B.C. or the Ontario ones.
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