Wednesday, June 05, 2013

What we talk about when we talk about Canadian History

Dates noted in Papers, CHA 2004-2013
In preparation for the 2013 meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, held the other day in Victoria, Tom Peace of Active History has undertaken some quantitative analysis of papers given at the conference in the last decade.
....although the attention of historians shifted away from political, economic and military interests towards more social and cultural subjects, their broad topical interests remained the same. The Canadian historical community continues to spend considerable energy on questions related to war, empire and politics. Perhaps, it seems, the shift in historiographical emphasis has not been as significant as often made out. 
And the emphasis on 20th century subjects remains overwhelming.

The whole thing is worth a look.. Makes me wonder how this blog would stand up to his kind of analysis....

(Chart from Peace's essay)
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