Friday, January 06, 2012

Battlefield Tourism

In the holiday rush/holiday lull, I never got around to mention a recent book sent here by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament studies:  Canadian Battlefields 1915-18.

The Centre has a series of battlefield guidebooks: for Normandy, for Northern France, and now this one by Terry Copp giving context and visitor info on all the European First World War sites that involved Canadian forces.

This one's a mashup of history text and site guide, actually.  It starts with a longish survey of WWI historiography, and it does not have the kind of instant-access organization by which the best guidebooks make available site-specific info just when you want it. But if you are thinking of exploring Canadian twentieth-century military sites in Europe, don't say the material ain't available.  (H/t Matt Symes of LCMSDS.)

Note also their blog, which live-blogged (+68 years) the Battle of Ortona while the rest of us were having Christmas and all.
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