Monday, August 01, 2011

Vote Now Canada's Best Political Book of the past 25 Years

Today at midnight is the last day to vote for the best Canadian Political book of the past 25 years. Chris Moore’s 1867 How the Fathers Made a Deal is on the short list and you can vote by clicking on the link to the right.
            The thing to me that is so important with such a book is not only is it essential information for any thinking Canadian to be aware of, it is of crucial importance to all those of us writing of the past – fiction and poetry included. I think we forget that writers of the more nonfiction kind are indebted to and use primary and secondary sources to inspire and inform our work – and this one was crucial to the inspiring and informing of my novel about the beginning of Canada ( ). Not only that, 1867 is elegantly and entertainingly written.
            To all those writing of the past, don’t forget to vote too.
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