Thursday, July 16, 2009

Live-blogging the siege of Quebec +250 #14

Monday July 16: From the anonymous Journal du Siège (whose author, it would seem, may have been employed at the royal storehouse):
The enemy bombarded us hotly all night. Pouliot, an habitant from Cap Rouge, was killed by a bomb in front of the cathedral. Sieurs Dufour and Brassard were slightly wounded by another that fell between the two of them on the steps of a doorway where they stood.

Around five in the morning a bomb grazed the corner of the gable-end of Sieur Robin's house; he got away with the loss of a few boards that it carried away.

We abandoned the royal storehouse as no longer tenable and we camped out in the meadow of M. Hyché. MM. the controller and the treasurer came there too.

At eleven in the morning a firebomb fell on the house of Chevalier on the main hill. It caught fire at once and spread to the houses of Treyvoux, the widow Chenevert, big Girard, Madame Boishébert, Sieur Cordeneau, and finally that of Sieur Dacier, where we cut off the flames.

As the conflagration took hold, the enemy launched a very violent shelling, but we responded from our batteries so vigorously that the enemy could only fire two firebombs between noon to seven in the evening. Several of the enemy’s guns were dismounted and their batteries shattered. We fired at least 700 or 800 shots.
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