Thursday, March 17, 2016

This month at Canada's History

Canada's History for April-May, now going to subscribers, features train robber Bill Miner in the cover story by Brian Brennan.

Elsewhere Allan Levine looks at (slow, maybe stunted) roots of diversity and tolerance in Canadian society and immigration policy.  Dean Jobb is onto East Coast naval activity during the Americans' Civil War.

Lorene Squires, 1938
And there is a terrific photo essay on the young American wildlife photographer Lorene Squires, who did remarkable photography all over the north for The Beaver magazine of the 1930s. There is video.

My own column is on a subject regulars here may remember:  did a million or so Canadian women lose the federal vote to which they were entitled in 1917?

If you subscribed like you otta, it would have hit your (digital or analog) mailbox already.

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