Thursday, September 03, 2009

Live-blogging the siege of Quebec+250 #63

Monday, September 3, 1759. As the British reorganize their whole campaign, the French must still consider more homely concerns, such as getting the crops in. And it is so important that Montcalm detaches troops to cross behind the British lines at Montmorency to support the farmers in case of a British attack upon them in their fields. Foligné:
M. de Repentigny with about 700 men crossed at the Falls and distributed his men to guard that coast as far as St- Joachiim. This is to assist the people to make their harvest -- to which the enemy have done no damage. The command took this precaution because two enemy ships have anchored opposite Ange-Gardien.
St-Joachim and Ange-Gardien are north shore downriver communities where the British have already burned most of the homes and mills and barns. But the farmers come out of the woods each day to try to salvage something of their food supply they will need both immediately and through the winter.
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